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Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Chinese peril: China-made kids' clothes carry toxic risk

The study, citing laboratory analysis of 85 samples, concerns parents worldwide, as China is the world's largest garment exporter.
China is the world's largest garment exporter.
  • Two major Chinese manufacturing centers make toxic clothes, warns Greenpeace
  • China's government advises parents to buy lighter-colored children's clothes, to reduce risk of toxic residues
  • National safety standards for use of hazardous chemicals in kids' wear have not been a priority
BEIJING – Polluted air and unsafe food are just two of the dangers often faced, and complained about, by China's long-suffering citizens.
They should also worry about the toxic clothes their children wear, environmental advocacy group Greenpeace warned Tuesday.
Kids' wear made in China's two largest children's clothing production bases contain hazardous chemicals that pose potential health risks for children, said the group in a report that urges Beijing to cut toxic residues in China-made clothes by establishing proper chemical management regulations.
The Greenpeace study, citing laboratory analysis of 85 samples, may concern parents worldwide, including the USA, as China is the world's largest garment exporter. 
Kids' wear is one of its fastest growing sectors.
China's rush to become the world's second largest economy has sometimes sacrificed both environmental protection and quality control.
The two clothing centers investigated, Zhili town in eastern Zhejiang province, and Shishi city in southern Fujian province, account for 40% of China's total production of children's clothing, said Greenpeace. 
Shishi exports up to 80% of its output, mostly to the Middle East, but also Africa, Southeast Asia, Europe and North America.
Even the Chinese government's quality control watchdog agrees that kids' clothes can be dangerous. 
In May, the Defective Product Administrative Center of China's General Administration of Quality Supervision issued a consumer guide to parents: "as far as possible buy light-color kids' clothes, without fluorescent brighteners or pigment printing", it advised. 
A sample survey by the Beijing Consumer Association in June found 37.8% of children's clothes did not meet quality standards.
Yet authorities are not taking action to tackle the problem, said Lee Chih An, a Toxics Campaigner at Greenpeace East Asia in Beijing.
A draft national safety standard for the use of hazardous chemicals in kids' wear has been stuck in policy makers' drawers for six years, he said. 
"We want to put more pressure on the government, to tell them there is urgency for change," Lee said.
China's management of textile chemicals lags 20 years behind the European Union, saidZhang Miao, also a Toxics Campaigner at Greenpeace. 
"We can't say that any brand has zero problems" of toxic residues, she said.
While previous Greenpeace studies exposed larger Chinese and foreign brands, this report focused on small and medium-sized enterprises, as they represent the bulk of the industry, and supply increasingly popular online businesses such as the Taobao.com retail site, said Zhang.
Some of the tested samples illegally used images of iconic U.S. characters such as Mickey Mouse. 
More worryingly, the report said third-party, independent laboratories found more than half of the 85 tested samples, all made in Zhili or Shishi, contained NPE, a hormone disrupter, while nine in 10 items made of polyester tested positive forantimony, a chemical element used in making bullets.
Phthalates, known for their toxicity to the reproductive system, were found in high concentrations on two samples, said Greenpeace.
An Yiheng, vice-secretary general of the children's wear committee at the China National Garment Association (CNGA), declined to comment when contacted Tuesday by USA TODAY. 
The CNGA is a state-run body for China's clothing industry.
The often small-scale Chinese businesses producing children's clothing "are also victims, not aware of the risks," who endanger both their own employees and local residents through wastewater discharge, said Greenpeace's Lee. 
These firms "can only rely on policies and regulations to create a better environment, and incentives for their customers to request a change of chemicals," he said.
Beijing housewife Zhang Xue, whose daughter is 2½, said she feels "pain in her heart" whenever she reads about toxic children's clothes in China. 
"All I can do now is to wash my daughter's new clothes many times and put them in the sunshine for several days, as well as buying more light-color clothes," said Zhang, 28. 
"I wish the quality standard in China could be stricter like in foreign countries, so I could worry less about my girl's chances of getting sick."




The two clothing centers investigated, Zhili town in eastern Zhejiang province, and Shishi city in southern Fujian province, account for 40% of China's total production of children's clothing, said Greenpeace. 

Shishi exports up to 80% of its output, mostly to the Middle East, but also Africa, Southeast Asia, Europe and North America.



Even the Chinese government's quality control watchdog agrees that kids' clothes can be dangerous. 





4月5日3時5分配信 読売新聞(2008年04月07日)

 大阪市中央区の衣類製造販売会社「コージィコーポレーション」が販売した中国製の乳幼児用Tシャツから有害物質のホルムアルデヒドが検出され、同市保健所は4日、販売中止を指導した。 同市保健所などによると、検出されたのは、黄色の「ENJOY Tシャツ」。同社が販売した別のTシャツを着た兵庫県尼崎市の女児(9か月)に、Tシャツの形に湿疹(しっしん)が出たため母親が尼崎市保健所に相談し、両保健所で調査していた。同社によると、このTシャツは中国製で、商社を通じて同社が購入した。

東亜日報(DECEMBER 13, 2012 )


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