


サーチナ 5月2日(金)5時59分配信










April 23, 2014 3:27 pm

Obama’s Asian allies need to give something back

The president’s hosts should ask what they can do for America, writes Clyde Prestowitz
President Barack Obama and Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe depart Sukiyabashi Jiro sushi restaurant in Tokyo, Wednesday, April 23, 2014. Opening a four-country swing through the Asia-Pacific region, Obama is aiming to promote the U.S. as a committed economic, military and political partner, but the West's dispute with Russia over Ukraine threatens to cast a shadow over the president's sales mission. (AP Photo/Carolyn Kaster)©AP
Barack Obama and Shinzo Abe in Tokyo on Wednesday
President Barack Obama will spend the next few days on an awkward mission to Asia. Essentially, he is going to try to tell the Koreans, Japanese, Filipinos and Malaysians that their lives and welfare are more precious to America than those of the Afghans, Ukrainians and Syrians to whose rescue America has recently declined to come. That may not be the truth.
The White House says the president will reassure our Asian allies that they are the country’s top foreign policy priority and that America will act as a protection against the power and influence of China. It says the US will further integrate its economy with those of Asia by concluding the Trans-Pacific Partnership trade deal with 11 North American and Asia-Pacific countries. This is in response to Asian leaders’ laments that they feel neglected by Washington and uncertain of its commitments to them.
At first glance, both the Asian complaints and the new American response seem logical and straightforward. In fact, they are totally backwards. Listening to the Asians, you would never know that the US Seventh Fleet has been stationed in Yokosuka, Japan, and tasked with patrolling the western Pacific for the past 69 years; or that there are 30,000 American troops stationed in South Korea and another 50,000 in Japan; or that the South Korean army is under US command in time of war; or that America is committed to the unilateral defence of Japan and South Korea under its mutual security treaties with them. That means America is committed to defend Japan and South Korea if they are attacked but those nations are not committed in any way to defend America if it is attacked.
So it appears the US is more lonely and neglected than any of its Asian allies. We need to ask what they do for America: why does Washington have these allies? Indeed, perhaps in light of the lack of a reciprocal defence commitment they would better be called protectorates. Nor are they even allies of one another. Japan and South Korea are constantly bickering and do not even exchange national security intelligence directly. Rather, they speak to each other through the offices of the US. The Philippines is weak and unable to provide much to America, except perhaps military bases that are not really needed; and Malaysia, while a friendly country, provides little of any strategic value.
Similarly, in the economic realm, the flow of benefits has been heavily in favour of the Asia-Pacific countries. Most of them have based their development on mercantilist export-led growth policies, using protectionism and currency manipulation to generate huge trade surpluses with the US.
The crucial question is: in response to what threat do these countries need reassurance of support? The obvious answer is China, against whose rising power the Asians want a counterweight. And indeed, the strategic “pivot” to Asia that Mr Obama proclaimed early in his first term is a response to this wish.
The fundamental problem is that it is a rather unbelievable announcement. Consider that Washington talks “pivot” even as it continues to encourage American economic dependence on, investment in, and transfer of technology to China while carefully refraining from antagonising Beijing over its trade, currency and financial policies.
Consider that China poses no direct threat to the US. It is not going to invade America nor is it going to try to seriously disrupt the country’s economy. Nor is it promoting a dangerous global ideology.
Consider also that the Asian countries calling loudest for a US counterweight are also expanding their trade and investment with China as fast as they can. So while a counterweight might be good for them, it is not exactly clear what the US gets out of the deal. The argument of the Asians, and of the US geopolitical establishment, is that the proposed TPP trade deal will benefit America. But the most optimistic forecasts show it adding only about one half of 1 per cent to US gross domestic product by 2025.
Finally, there is the question of whether Washington is really going to go to war on behalf of Japan in its dispute with China over which of them rightfully owns the Senkaku Islands, or Diaoyu as they are known by the Chinese – either way, a few uninhabited rocks in the China Sea – or on behalf of the Philippines over the Scarborough Shoal.
The answer is no. Because, in view of the one-sidedness of the US posture in the western Pacific, it makes no more sense for Americans to die over the Senkakus than it does for them to die over Ukraine. That, of course, empties the “pivot” and the president’s trip of meaning.
But Mr Obama could easily reverse the dynamics by reversing the question. Instead of answering the Asians’ question about the steadfastness of America’s commitment to them, the president should ask them what they are prepared to do for America.
The writer is the president of the Economic Strategy Institute and former US trade negotiator

Clyde Prestowitz is the founder and President of the Economic Strategy Institute. He formerly served as counselor to theSecretary of Commerce in the Reagan Administration. He is a labor economist. Prestowitz has written for Foreign Affairs.
クライド・プレストウィッツ: 米国経済戦略研究所の創設者、所長。レーガン政権下で商務省の相談役として活躍。
Early Life and education:
Prestowitz was born to a family with a conservative Republican and evangelical Christian backgroundand earned a B.A. with honors from Swarthmore College; an M.A. in East-West Policies and Economics from the East-West Center of the University of Hawaii; and an M.B.A. from the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania.
クライド・プレストウィッツは保守的な共和党、福音伝道者の背景を持つ家庭の中で生まれた。 スワースモア大学で学士号、ハワイ大学・東西センターで修士号、ペンシルバニア大学・ワートン校で経営管理学修士号取得。


レコード・チャイナの記事は先の日米首脳会談でオバマ大統領の発言!、・・・『オバマ大統領、尖閣に日米安保適用を明言 』を塗り変える(打ち消し)のに必死になっている。 勿論支那共産党政府の意向で米国でロビー活動で網に掛かった雑魚が「クライド・プレストウィッツ」である。共和党とは縁が深く、レーガン大統領の下で商務省の相談役として活躍したとは言え、政治家ではなく、単なる自分が創設した米国経済戦略研究所の所長では、工作員(ロビー活動家)がちらつかせる甘い人参の魅力には抗しきれずにダボハゼの如く喰らいついたのでしょう。
ファイナンシアル・タイムズは世界で2,2百万人の購読者(2011年、11月)を持つ。 ウエッブ・サイト(FT.com)は4.5百万人で登録されて、28万人がデジタル購読者。60万人は有料会員。
★ 《「中国への投資を増やし、経済面での中国依存を深めている米国は、貿易や金融政策の面で中国政府を怒らせるようなことはしない」と主張した》・・・
英文は【Consider that Washington talks “pivot” even as it continues to encourage American economic dependence on, investment in, and transfer of technology to China while carefully refraining from antagonising Beijing over its trade, currency and financial policies】であり、・・・“怒らせる!”ではなく“対立する事を控える!”です。如何にも米国は支那を恐れているか!の印象操作の底意が見え見えです。
何れにしてもFT紙 ⇔ レコード・チャイナの配信記事は的が大きく外れて,却って信頼性に乏しく、支那の焦りだけが突出している不自然な記事であり、支那が仕掛ける対日本国の諜報戦も陰りを見せて来たようです。うれしい限りです!!!・・・。

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