

Editorial: Asahi Shimbun should explain coverage of 'comfort women' issue


The Asahi Shimbun national daily has admitted that part of its coverage of the so-called "comfort women" issue was inaccurate after examining its past articles on the issue. The matter is a sticky issue between Japan and South Korea as the countries are in a bitter conflict over their interpretation of history involving Japan's colonial rule of the Korean Peninsula that ended when Japan lost World War II. However, inaccurate and excessive coverage by the newspaper must not eliminate calm discussion on the subject.
From the 1980s to the early 1990s, the Asahi ran 16 articles about the late Seiji Yoshida's statements that women from the Korean Peninsula were forcibly conscripted into sex servitude for Japanese soldiers during the war. The publisher of the paper acknowledged that the statements were false and retracted the articles. However, the Asahi Shimbun's coverage on the comfort women issue based on Yoshida's statements as well as other information sparked heated debate on the matter in Japan.
The comfort women matter is a universal human rights issue in which women's dignity was impaired during the war. As such, it is indispensable to discuss the matter from a viewpoint that is acceptable to the international community.
Nevertheless, since the Asahi Shimbun continued to report on the subject based on Yoshida's statements, attention was excessively focused on whether women were forcibly conscripted. It is regrettable that the essence of the problem, which lies in women's personal rights, has been distorted as a result. The newspaper should have corrected its coverage earlier.
The Asahi Shimbun claims that other newspapers covered Yoshida's statements. The Mainichi Shimbun's Tokyo edition carried short articles on Aug. 12 and 13, 1992, briefly reporting that Yoshida visited Seoul and offered an apology. However, it has not covered his remarks since as many experts later raised questions about the credibility of his statements.
The Mainichi Shimbun has viewed the comfort women matter as a human rights issue while keeping in mind the government's official position that the matter has been settled between the two countries, and proposed that relief measures be taken for victims in medical and social welfare fields.
The Asia Women's Fund, set up in 1995 based on then Chief Cabinet Secretary Yohei Kono's statement on the issue, provided 2 million yen each to victims in South Korea, Taiwan, the Philippines and other countries, along with a letter of apology from the prime minister. It was the best thing the Japanese government was able to do at the time.
Seoul initially appreciated the measure, but later refused to accept any such money saying it was sticking to its demand for state redress from Tokyo. This is one of the main reasons why the two countries have remained at odds over the issue.
The only solution to this complicated dispute is for the two countries to exercise wisdom. However, since the Cabinet of Prime Minister Shinzo Abe has pledged to respect the Kono statement that settled the issue by admitting the defunct Imperial Japanese Army's involvement, Japan would damage its national interests if it was to waste time by discussing whether victims were forcibly conscripted in a narrow term or broad term. Rather, Japan should view the comfort women issue as a global issue closely relating to women's dignity during war and reconsider how to face the matter.

MAINICHI  (Aug. 10, 2014 (Sun.)





➤【The Asahi Shimbun national daily has admitted that part of its coverage of the so-called "comfort women" issue was inaccurate after examining its past articles on the issue. The matter is a sticky issue between Japan and South Korea as the countries are in a bitter conflict over their interpretation of history involving Japan's colonial rule of the Korean Peninsula that ended when Japan lost World War II. However, inaccurate and excessive coverage by the newspaper must not eliminate calm discussion on the subject.】:




➤【From the 1980s to the early 1990s, the Asahi ran 16 articles about the late Seiji Yoshida's statements that women from the Korean Peninsula were forcibly conscripted into sex servitude for Japanese soldiers during the war. The publisher of the paper acknowledged that the statements were false and retracted the articles. However, the Asahi Shimbun's coverage on the comfort women issue based on Yoshida's statements as well as other information sparked heated debate on the matter in Japan.】:


➤【The comfort women matter is a universal human rights issue in which women's dignity was impaired during the war. As such, it is indispensable to discuss the matter from a viewpoint that is acceptable to the international community.】:



➤【The Mainichi Shimbun has viewed the comfort women matter as a human rights issue while keeping in mind the government's official position that the matter has been settled between the two countries, and proposed that relief measures be taken for victims in medical and social welfare fields.】:

毎日新聞は日本政府の立場(慰安婦問題は『二国間⟺日本南朝鮮』!、・・・提示された犠牲者への 『救済措置(償い金、医療費)』を視野に置いて、❝慰安婦問題は人権問題である!❞と捉えている。





➤【Seoul initially appreciated the measure, but later refused to accept any such money saying it was sticking to its demand for state redress from Tokyo. This is one of the main reasons why the two countries have remained at odds over the issue.】:


これが、今でも尾を引き慰安婦問題は暗礁に乗り上げている原因となっているが、・・・要はこんな端金ではなくて、❝もっと、金を寄越せ!❞ の南朝鮮の乞食根性が問題解決を阻んでいるのが明白と言える。

➤【The only solution to this complicated dispute is for the two countries to exercise wisdom. However, since the Cabinet of Prime Minister Shinzo Abe has pledged to respect the Kono statement that settled the issue by admitting the defunct Imperial Japanese Army's involvement, Japan would damage its national interests if it was to waste time by discussing whether victims were forcibly conscripted in a narrow term or broad term. Rather, Japan should view the comfort women issue as a global issue closely relating to women's dignity during war and reconsider how to face the matter.】:






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