





◼︎【'Turkey gave no warning' - downed Russian pilot】:
The surviving pilot of a Russian plane shot down by Turkey on the Syrian border has said no warning was given.
Capt Konstantin Murakhtin told Russian television there was "no way" the jet could have violated Turkish airspace, as Turkey said it did.
Russia said Capt Murakhtin was rescued in a 12-hour operation involving special forces.

ロシア空軍大佐の( Konstantin Murakhtin=コンスタンチン・マラカチン?)はテレビインタビュウーでトルコ政府は領空侵犯があった公表しているが、・・・『自分が操縦していたSU24機はトルコ領空を絶対に侵犯はしては居なかった』と強調した。


◼︎【Missing Russian pilot 'alive and well’】:
 The pilot is "alive and well" at a Russian air base in Syria, it says.
His co-pilot and a marine involved in a failed rescue attempt were killed.
A Russian pilot missing after Turkey downed his fighter jet is alive and well and back at an 

airbase in Syria, Russia's defence minister says.


◼︎【Analysis - US response to shot-down warplane】:
Posted at 20:15

When Russian and US jets came into close proximity over Syria early last month, the Pentagon and the White House were swift to condemn. 

"Wreckless" and "irresponsible" were just some of the stiff words they used at the time. 

But now that Turkey has actually shot a Russian jet down, there is a tangible reluctance to up the ante, and a scramble to lower the temperature.

Caution is the name of the game, with the Pentagon spokesman, Peter Cook, still saying that the US cannot definitively conclude that Turkish airspace has been compromised. 

As a Nato member, Turkey will expect the US and others to back its actions; but with Russia crucial to the prospects of pushing forward a political solution in Syria, de-escalation is the watch word on everyone's lips.

20:15 配信

◼︎【US 'unable to conclude where aircraft were’】:
Posted at 20:00

When asked whether the US knows whether the Russian warplane was shot down over Turkey or Syria, Pentagon spokesman Peter Cook said US officers were "not able to conclude definitely right now where the aircraft were".

20:00 配信

◼︎【Shot-down plane 'no threat to gas supplies'】:
Posted at 19:31
The Turkish energy minister, Berat Albayrak, has said that the downing of the Russian warplane does not constitute a threat to energy ties between the two countries.

19:31 配信
 トルコエネルギー大臣(Berat Albayrak)は!〜、ロシア軍機がトルコに依って撃墜された軍事衝突に依って両国間のエネルギー政策の劇的な変化はない!と述べた。

◼︎【Military confirms one warplane pilot killed by groundfire after ejecting】:

Posted at 19:14
One of the two pilots in the shot-down war plane was killed by gunfire from the ground as he parachuted from the crashing jet, the Russian military has confirmed. 
 Speaking on Russian state TV, Lieutenant General Sergei Rudskoy also said that Turkish aircraft had violated Syrian airspace when it shot down the warplane. 
 As we reported earlier, Russian military officials have also said that Syrian rebels fired on a Russian search and rescue helicopter, forcing it to land and killing one crew member.

19:14 配信
ロシア国営及びテレビロシア軍将軍(セルゲイ・プドスコイ、Sergei Rudskoy )は!〜『ロシア軍機が撃墜されたのはトルコがシリアの領空だった!』と発表した。

◼︎【Russia 'discontinuing' military contact with Turkey】:
Posted at 18:48
BBC says that the Russian Defence Ministry has issued a statement saying it will step up its operations in Syria, and "discontinue" military contact with Turkey. 

18:48 配信
 ロシア国防省は『シリアの軍事作戦を増幅すると同時にトルコとの軍事的な折衝は停止する』と発表した事が、・・・ BBCのモニターリング(観察)に依って判明した。

◼︎【More on Russian soldier killed in rescue mission】:

Posted at 18:37
The Russian soldier killed during a search and rescue mission for the crew of the shot-down warplane was on board a helicopter downed by rebel fire, Russia's military has said. 

A military spokesman said it was one of two helicopters taking part in the operation. The rest of the crew were evacuated and taken to the air base used by Russia in Syria. 

18:37 配信
『撃墜されたSU24 ロシア軍機パイロット救出作戦でヘリコプター2機が現場に派遣されたが、反アサド武装ゲリラに地上からの攻撃を受けて1機は墜落し兵士が命を落とした!』とロシア軍情報部が発表した。

◼︎【Nato chief says Russian plane did enter Turkish airspace】:
Posted at18:23

In the last few minutes, Nato Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg has been making a statement in Brussels.
The Nato chief has backed Turkey's version of the story, and said that an allied assessment shows that the Russian warplane did fly into Turkish airspace. 
He said that there had been contact between officials in Moscow and Ankara, but not between Nato officials and Russia.
Mr Stoltenberg called for calm and for the parties to deescalate the situation.

18:23 配信
数分間前、NATO総司令官(Jens Stoltenberg 、ジェン・ストーテンバーグ)は❢〜、ブルッセルで声明をだした。

◼︎【'Two planes approached Turkish airspace' - Turkey's UN ambassador】:
Posted at 17:26
 In a letter to the UN security council and Secretary General Ban Ki-moon, Turkey's UN ambassador Halit Cevik said two planes approached Turkish airspace on Tuesday morning. 
 He said they were warned 10 times in five minutes to change direction.

"Following the violation, plane one left Turkish national airspace. Plane two was fired at while in Turkish national airspace by Turkish F-16s performing air combat patrolling in the area," Mr Cevik wrote in a letter, Reuters reports.

"Plane two crashed onto the Syria side of the Turkish-Syrian border," he said.

Russian President Vladimir Putin has said the fighter jet was attacked when it was nearly a mile inside Syria and has warned of "serious consequences”.

17:26 配信
『ロシ軍機の2機は、火曜日午前、トルコ領空に侵入を試み、飛行進路を変えるように10回の警告が発せられた』、『警告に従って1機はトルコ領空から去ったが、領空侵犯を続けた1機は防空識別圏内で監視していたトルコ空軍機F16S戦の銃火を浴びた』との内容の書簡をトルコ大使(Halit Cevik )は国連事務長潘基文へ送付した。


◼︎【Obama condemns Russian strikes on Syrian moderate opposition】:
Posted at 17:17
We are following a live statement from President Obama, who is speaking after talks with French counterpart Francois Hollande. The president has not commented yet on the downing of a Russian jet, but said the two men agreed that "Russian strikes against moderate (Syrian) opposition only bolsters the Assad regime, whose brutality has helped fuel the rise of Isil 

17:17 配信

◼︎【The Russian Defence Ministry website has more details on the Sukhoi Su-24 jet, the type shot down by Turkey. It is primarily used as an all-weather, low-level bombing aircraft】:
Posted at 17:11

Dimensions:              Length 24.5m, height 6.2m
Weight:                          19,000kg, but normal take-off weight is 36,000kg
Max speed at high altitude:       2,240 km/h (1391 mph)
Combat radius:              Up to 560km, i.e. how far it can travel to before returning back on a mission

17:11 配信
SU-24 :
✦ 外形寸法 : 全長 ⇒ 24.5メートル / 高さ ⇒ 6.2メートル
✦ 重量   : 通常 ⇒19,000キロ   / 戦闘状態(武器搭載) 36,000キロ
✦ 最高速度(極限高度) : 2,240キロ時速 /1391時速マイル   
✦ 戦闘可能範囲(作戦完了し基地に戻る):航続距離 ⇒ 560キロ

◼︎ 【Turkish television: Two parachutes seen falling from the sky】:
Posted at 17:01
Barely distinguishable, but this still taken from Turkish television appears to show two parachutes after the Russian jet was shot down.

17:01 配信
◼︎【Analysis: Moscow shows it is intent on bolstering Assad regime】:
Posted at 16:53
The downing of the Russian airliner by IS, and Moscow's onslaught against IS targets appeared to suggest that Russia, the West and the moderate Arab states were coming into alignment.

But as the Russian air attacks against Turkmen positions show, Moscow is still intent on bolstering the Assad regime against some of its other opponents, whatever may be happening on the counter-IS front.

Turkey is deeply hostile to the Syrian regime and wants to see the back of Bashar al-Assad as soon as possible. So in this sense it is at loggerheads with Moscow.

Turkey, like Iran, the Saudis and the moderate Arab states, all have a stake in what kind of Syria emerges from this crisis - as, to an extent, does Russia.

17:01 配信
 エジプトでISISテロに依るロシア旅客機の爆破!、進行しているモスクワのシリア内でのはISIS掃討作戦はロシア、欧米、穏健派のアラブ諸国との協調路線が構築された事を示唆していたが、・・・ロシア軍機の ❖『タークマン支配地域』への空爆が示すように、多の反アサド勢力(FSA)をも排除してアサド政権の強化の姿勢が対ISIS戦の前線に浮き彫りにされてきた。 

◼︎【The US and its Western allies don't much like Mr Assad and see him as very much part of the problem, but their main battle is against IS】:
Turkey's Hurriyet website reports Russia's ambassador to Turkey and the military attache were summoned to the Foreign Ministry last Thursday because of the following allegations:

The operations of the Russian army were taking place in areas very close to Turkey's border, threatening its border security. Turkey noted its rules of engagement were in place and there would be no hesitation to implement them if a violation occurred.
The area where Russian operations were being conducted was free of Islamic State and other terrorist groups and civilian Turkmen were being harmed. 
Military operations were causing more civilians to leave their homes. There was concern Russia's operations in that particular region could hurt Turkey's humanitarian efforts.

◼︎【ISIS 撲滅は最大の主眼である事に目を閉ざして、米国を筆頭に西側陣営はアサド大統領がシリア内戦の元凶とみなして嫌悪している】:
16:50 配信
✦ ロシアの軍事作戦はトルコ国境周辺で展開、遂行されており、此れはトルコ国境の安全保障の脅威となっている・・・
✦ 交戦規則は厳然と聳え立っており、違反戦闘がその地で発生した場合はトルコ政府は


◼︎【Who are the Turkmen?】:
Posted at 14:59
Our colleagues at BBC Monitoring have been taking a look at the Turkmen, with fighters from the community claiming they shot dead the two fighters who ejected from the downed Russian plane.

Who are they? Ethnic Turks who have lived in the region of Syria, Iraq and Iran since the 11th century. They are estimated to number between 1.5m and 3.5m.

What is their role in Syria? Trained by Turkey, the Syrian Turkmen Brigades are about 10,000 strong and were set up in 2012 as the civil war in Syria took hold.

 Who are their allies/enemies? Their main opponents are the regular Syrian army and the Islamic State militant group. Some units have allied with Kurdish fighters. 

14:59 配信
◼︎【Syria: The factions at work and how various countries stand】:
The conflict in Syria has drawn in major global powers, supporting and opposing President Bashar al-Assad and the myriad rebel groups ranged against him.  
This shows the various factions at work and the territory where they operate.

15:36 配信
✦ 支援する勢力!・・・
✦ 敵対する勢力!・・・
✦ 無数の反アサド勢力!・・・










西側のメデイア(BBC,CNN」ばかりの報道追跡であり、均衡にかけるので、後日ロシアメデイア・Sputinik を追跡してみます、

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