



Defence: A young wildebeest looked destined to become lunch for a hungry leopard - but the big cat hadn't counted on a powerfully protective mother


On the prowl: The hungry leopard spots its next lunch and skulks forward
On the prowl: The hungry leopard spots its next lunch and skulks forward
On the prowl: The hungry leopard spots its next lunch and skulks forward
On the prowl: The hungry leopard spots its next lunch and skulks forward
Skulking: The leopard moves through the grass nearer to his unaware prey
Mandatory Credit: Photo by REX/Martin Farrell (3090955u)
Waiting: The animal stops to watch the pair before pouncing

Protective Wildebeest Mother Leaves Leopard Licking Its Wounds After Failed Attack
Attack: The leopard launches forward and sinks its teeth into the baby wildebeest
Distraught: The terrified calf vainly attempts to get away from the clutches of the leopard

Back to the rescue

Back to the rescue: As the leopard firmly grabs hold of the wildebeest its mother approaches
Protective: It's nearby mother is well-placed to react quickly and counteracted with a precision horned-headbutt to the leopard's upper body
 Protective Wildebeest Mother
Determined: The mother rams her horns into the predator lifting it into the air
Escape: The calf escapes to safety as the mother takes on the leopard
Escape: The calf escapes to safety as the mother takes on the leopard
Running off
Terrified: The beast runs off in fright after the mauling as the younger animal escapes
Running off
Turn around: In a blink of an eye, the stunned cat went from being the attacker to scampering off with its tail between its legs with the angry female in pursuit

出典:Mail Online

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