◼︎【米紙:Wポスト社説 安倍首相に靖国参拝にくぎ刺す】:
毎日新聞 2014年12月16日 18時33分(最終更新 12月16日 19時49分)
Shinzo Abe, Japan's prime minister and president of the ruling Liberal Democratic Party (LDP), gestures as he speaks during a news conference at the party's headquarters in Tokyo, Japan, on Monday, Dec. 15, 2014. Prime Minister Shinzo Abe claimed a mandate for his economic program after his gamble on early elections paid off with a sweeping victory that forced the leader of the opposition to resign. (Kiyoshi Ota/Bloomberg)
◼︎【Having received a public vote of confidence, Japan’s leader now needs to deliver results】:By Editorial Board December 15
SHINZO ABE has made, at best, only modest progress in reviving the Japanese economy during his two years as prime minister. But his bet that voters would agree with him that there’s no alternative to his policies paid off in a snap election Sunday. Despite a low turnout, his governing coalition won a two-thirds majority in the Diet’s lower house, which allows it to sweep aside opposition to its legislation. Mr. Abe, the 17th Japanese prime minister in 25 years, could become one of the longest-serving, with up to four more years added to his term.
The victory could give Mr. Abe the political impetus to press forward with reforms that have stalled — provided he is not blocked by special interests within his party or distracted by his nationalist political tendencies. So far, monetary loosening by the central bank and stimulus spending by the government have boosted the stock market and triggered a devaluation of the yen that has, in turn, delivered big profits to exporting companies such as Toyota. But the incomes of most Japanese are stagnant, while a consumption tax increase this year pushed the economy into a recession.
Most important, the “third arrow” of Mr. Abe’s platform, structural economic reform, has yet to progress very far. The prime minister pledged in a post-election news conference to pressure companies to raise salaries, but a more effective, if less populist, action would be the passage of labor reforms to make hiring and firing easier.
Similarly, Mr. Abe could accomplish a large piece of restructuring by completing free-trade agreements, including the Trans-Pacific Partnership with the United States and 10 other nations. The prime minister and his top aides have been saying they want to do just that — but in a key negotiating session with the United States in September, Tokyo offered no meaningful concessions in the critical area of agricultural subsidies.
種々の改革と同様に安倍首相は米国と他の10カ国との環太平洋パートナーシップ協定(TPP)を自由貿易協定を締結する事で、経済構造の重要な一角を改革する事ができるであろう。 首相並び政府高官もTPPを締結する意向を表明しているが、・・・先の9月に持たれた米国との交渉では核心的な部分(農業補助金)に対する譲歩はなかった。
Mr. Abe had some reason to hold back, since President Obama was unable to win trade promotion authority from Congress, which will be needed for U.S. ratification of the TPP. But Mr. Abe’s renewed mandate and the Republican takeover of the U.S. Senate should change that calculus. Trade is one area where the incoming Senate majority leader, Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.), and Mr. Obama appear inclined to cooperate. A clear signal that Tokyo is ready to move forward with the TPP — in the form of a more realistic position on agriculture — could help spur the new Congress to grant that authority.
然し、安倍首相に与えられた新たな為政権と米共和党の上院過半数獲得の転換でTPP交渉が余儀なくされる。通商に置いては、上院で絶対多数を持つ新選出された指導者『Mitch McConnell R-Ky(ミッチ・マッコウネル、共和党、ケンタッキー州選出)』とオバマ大統領は協力的な姿勢を示している。
Mr. Abe may be tempted to diverge, as he has before, from the hard work of economic reform to a more divisive nationalist agenda. A useful reinterpretation of the constitution that would allow Japanese military forces more leeway in defending allies requires implementing legislation in parliament, which the government can be expected to seek. But Mr. Abe would be wise to avoid more political acts, like his visit a year ago to a shrine where Japanese war criminals are among those memorialized. Mr. Abe’s ambitions for a revitalized Japan will depend above all on the nation’s renewed economic health.
The Washington Post
怒りよりも ❝芸がない!❞ と失笑を禁じ得ないほどの低劣さである。
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