
❝シリア難民は全て送り返す!❞ ⇔ 尖すぎるトランプ氏の舌鋒!・・・

Donald Trump: I would send Syrian refugees home
BBC News (Oct.1st .2015)

Donald Trump has said he would send home all Syrian refugees the US accepts, if he becomes president.
The billionaire, who is the current frontrunner in the Republican race for the White House, told a New Hampshire rally: "If I win, they're going back."
It marks a reversal in policy - earlier this month he told Fox News the US should take in more refugees.
A migrant crisis has gripped parts of Europe and the US has pledged to take 10,000 refugees from Syria next year.
Rival Republican candidate Jeb Bush called Trump's pledge "a horrible thing".
"The idea that you would send back refugees - when in American history has that ever happened?" the former Florida governor told NBC News. "We have to stand for certain values.”

On Wednesday night, Mr Trump told an audience at Keene High School: "I hear we want to take in 200,000 Syrians. And they could be - listen, they could be Isis [Islamic State]."

 億万長者、大統領選挙の前哨戦である予備選(共和党候補者の指名)で、・・・現在、先頭を突っ走っている、トランプ氏はニューハンプシャー州で行われた集会で ❝もし、私が当選したら彼等(シリア難民)は国に送り返される!❞と集まった人々に宣言した。

 受け入れた難民を母国に送還する事などは、嘗て米国の歴史上で起きた事があるのか?、・・・元フロリダ州知事は ❝我々は一定の道義は守らなければならぬ!❞とNBCニュースに語った。
