

Australia-Japan: Comfort Women Update
Michael Yon JP (Monday, June 29, 2015)

I am in Sydney and working on the Comfort Women issue here and in Strathfield. 
Koreans and Chinese (from PRC) continue to try to export their hatred to other countries, such as to the USA, Germany, Canada, and Australia. They install comfort women statues to create hatred in peaceful communities. They are trying to destroy Japan. China is building ships and islands at this moment.
I have met with about 20 people on this trip so far, with more meetings coming up. The meetings have been with government officials, Strathfield citizens, Japanese who live here as Australians and as Japanese citizens, journalists, and others.
The schedule has been tight, so there is not much time to see this beautiful city of Sydney, which reminds me a great deal of the United States. This place is very cosmopolitan -- there must be hundreds of "species" of people here, which makes it even more interesting.
The Aussies seem to do a great job running this town -- the place looks to be in fine working order. They also seem to invest far more that we do in space with common benefits. But if I made a picture of some of these streets and said this is America, probably it would be difficult for Americans to realize this is a different country. 
Sydney reminds me of the better parts of California.
Back to the comfort women issue: there has been a sad twist. I am learning that some Japanese feel so betrayed by us installing the statues in places like Glendale that they are moving back to Japan, or are thinking of moving back to Japan.
For instance, a few nights ago I had dinner with two Japanese men and four Japanese women. They all are residents of Australia and have been here many years. One couple said 35 years, and they love Australia and the people. 
One of the ladies became very upset. I do not often see Japanese become so openly upset. Her emotions seemed to be a mixture of a sense of betrayal and anger. 
She seemed hurt, saying that if the statue goes into Strathfield she will sell everything here and go back to Japan forever. But she wants to stay in Australia because this is her home.
Another lady at the table said her Japanese friend who lived in or near Glendale had also been there about 35 years (?), and apparently had US citizenship and also loved the USA. She felt so betrayed by the statue in Glendale that she renounced her citizenship, sold all of her belongings, and moved forever back to Japan.
This was very saddening to hear. I thought about it for hours that night and still am thinking about it. I asked for her contact information (the lady who moved from California back to Japan) and we have now been introduced. I will work to clarify exactly what happened. 
Yesterday I met for almost four hours with a South African resident of Australia (he also loves it here), and an Aussie resident of Strathfield. Both see the peril of the statue and the strife it will bring to Strathfield. 
The Aussie resident of Strathfield said that Armenians already put in a couple of statues regarding allegations of Turkish genocide. 
The Aussie said this already has led to much trouble and death threats and the police had to become involved. 
Wakeup call! 
We do not want America to be a battlefield for Armenians and Turks -- it is easy to imagine the gunshots and bombs. And the Strathfield resident smells the same trouble brewing here. 
We do not want these statues that incite violence on public property in the USA or Australia! The Koreans and Armenians should take their battlefields back to Korea and Armenia and leave us all alone.
For the Koreans this already is starting to backfire -- as they make accusations against Japanese, we remember the massive war crimes committed by Koreans against their own people, and in other places like Vietnam, and we are reminded that even today prostitution is believed to account for about 4% of Korean GDP. Prostitution is massive business in Korea -- prostitutes are one of Korea's largest exports. It is a wonder that Korean flatscreen televisions are not delivered with complimentary prostitutes.
Korea even has senior citizens out on the streets working as prostitutes. (Cannot make up this stuff.) And yet they want to install their comfort women statues around the world. 
Korea is a Chinese puppet. A tool and dog for Beijing. Beijing uses Korea as a working dog, trained to attack Japan. If Beijing says "sit!", Korea will sit. When Beijing points at Japan, Korea attacks.
Korean President Park is capable of breathtaking hypocrisy. She presides over a giant brothel called Korea yet is whining and lying about World War II -- her own father -- also a former Korean President -- was an officer in the Japanese Army.
The saddest part about the comfort women issue is that Japanese seem to think that these statues represent some sort of betrayal by us and now possibly by the Aussies. But the reality is that most Americans have no idea about this, and it is already clear that most Aussies also do not know much about it.
Remember -- this is a strategic power play being pushed by PRC. The statues are just a tiny part of a much larger operation that we are unfolding piece by piece. This is about dominance of the South China Sea and beyond. 
The same people involved in these comfort women statues tried to assassinate our ambassador in Korea some months back. The same man also attacked the Japanese ambassador. He can be seen celebrating beside the comfort women statue across from the Japanese Embassy in Seoul. He is a Korean communist.
Other arms of this information-war beast are protesting our troops on Okinawa, and they use environmental groups as fronts to achieve related goals. These all are part of the same monster from Beijing.
Important: related elements -- directly related -- are trying to whip up problems for us in Hawaii. Beijing is at war with us.
Beijing wants the Pacific Ocean and the South China Sea and more, as its domain.
These statues have nothing to do with human rights. They are strategic pawns, and China is trying to win a square in Strathfield, which will bring only heartache to Strathfield if they succeed. 
I came to Australia to help stop PRC progress. And soon to Taiwan, California, Canada, and more. We must inform our allies so that they can make their own decisions, and along the way they are teaching me about local situations.

オーストラリア - 日本: 慰安婦(アップデート)




スケジュールがつまっているので米国を思い起こさせるこの美しい都市シドニーをゆっくり見学する時間も無い。この地は国際都市だ ― 数百の人種がいるに違いない、そのことがこの都市を非常に興味深くさせている。

この街を運営する上でオーストラリア人は良い仕事をしている ― すばらしく正常に動く状態にある。我々が人類共通の利益のために宇宙空間でやっていることよりももっと多くの資本を投下しているように見える。しかしもしも私がそれらの通りの写真を何枚か撮って「これはアメリカだ」と言ってもアメリカ人にとっては、それが違う国だと気がつくことは難しいだろう。











我々はアメリカがアルメニア人とトルコ人達の戦地となることを望んではいない。 ― 打ち合いや爆弾を連想するのはたやすい。ストラスフィールドの住人達は同じようなトラブルが密かに準備されていることに気がついてきた。


韓国人にとってはこれは既にバックファイヤとなって自らに降りかかっている ― かれらがが日本に対して非難をするということは、彼らによる自身の国民に対すしての、あるいはベトナムのような他の場所でのおびただしい数の戦争犯罪を思い起こさせるし、今日でも売春婦ビジネスが韓国のGFPの4%を占めることを思い起こす。

売春婦は韓国では巨大ビジネスだ。 ― 売春婦は韓国の巨大輸出産業でもある。韓国のフラットスクリーンテレビが売春婦付きで売られていないこと不思議だ。



韓国の大統領、Parkはとんでもなく偽善者としての才能にあふれている。彼女は韓国という売春宿を管理しつつ、第二次大戦について哀れっぽく泣いて大嘘をつく ― 彼女の父 ― 昔の韓国大統領でもあった ― は、日本軍の将校でもあった。





重要:関連した事項 ― 直接的に ― ハワイの我々に対して問題をかき立てようとしている。北京は我々と戦争している。







Michael Yon:Writer
Michael Yon is an American writer and photographer. He served in the Special Forces in the early-1980s, and he became a general freelance writer in the mid-1990s. He focused on military writing after the invasion of Iraq. 
Born: 1964 :grew up in Winter Haven, Florida,


❝吃驚仰天!❞ のマイケル・ヨン氏の歯に衣を着せぬ痛快な、辛辣な南朝鮮や支那に対する数々の主張です!・・・







✦ ❮❮韓国人と中国人(中華人民共和国からの)は彼らの憎しみを米国、ドイツ、カナダ、オーストラリアなどの他の国に輸出しようとしている。彼らは日本を潰そうとしている。中国はこの瞬間も戦艦と島を作っている!❯❯・・・

✦ ❮❮南鮮人が日本に対して非難をする事は、南鮮による自国の国民に対しての、あるいはベトナムで起こした夥しい数の戦争犯罪『残虐、残忍、非道』が浮き彫りにされて、さらにば売春が『南朝鮮・GDP』の4%を締め巨大産業である事を思い起こさせる!❯❯・・・

✦ ❮❮我々は、米国とオーストラリアにおける公共の建物には、そのような暴力を煽動する像など要らない!韓国人たちとアルメニア人たちは、戦場を韓国とアルメニアに持ち帰って我々をほっといてくれ!❯❯・・・

✦ ❮❮南鮮では、かなり年配の売春婦も通りで商売をしている(隠すことはできない)。そのうえまだ彼らの慰安婦像を世界中に建立しようとしている!❯❯・・・

✦ ❮❮南鮮はは中国の操り人形だ。北京の道具で犬だ。北京は韓国を働く犬として使い、日本を攻撃するように訓練した。もしも北京が「座れ!」といえば南鮮は座る。北京が日本を指させば南鮮は日本を攻撃す!❯❯・・・

✦ ❮❮朴槿恵大統領はとんでもなく偽善者としての才能に溢れている上、彼女は南鮮という売春宿を管理しつつ、第二次大戦について哀れっぽく泣いて大嘘をつく!❯❯・・・

✦ ❮❮慰安婦像が我々の日本人に対する裏切りと思われてしまうことだ。オーストラリア人も同じことになろうとしている。しかし実際には大多数のアメリカ人は慰安婦についてなにも知らないし、大多数のオーストラリア人もあまり知らないことは明らかだ!❯❯・・・


✦ ❮❮南鮮で我々の大使を殺害しようとした、同じ男は日本の大使をも襲っている。ソウルの日本大使館に面したところにある慰安婦像の横で彼が祝っているのを見ることができる。彼は韓国の共産主義者だ!❯❯・・・

✦ ❮❮情報戦争を仕掛ける野獣の他の武器は沖縄駐留米軍への反対行動だ。彼らは目的を達するために環境保護グループを装っている。彼らもまた北京から放たれた同じモンスターの一部だ!❯❯・・・

✦ ❮❮北京は太平洋と南シナ海、それ以上を自国領土にしたいのだ!❯❯・・・


