

日米会談の成否「戦時の歴史に誠実に向き合うかどうかにかかっている」 NYタイムズが安倍首相に歴史直視要求
産経ニュース (2015.4.21 )







今では大半の日本国民の間では特亜の歪んだ妄想歴史が知れ渡り、安倍首相の一存では特亜に這い蹲って特亜が強要している歴史認識に配慮(認める!)する事などは、不可能である。  配慮することは国思う方々に泥水を掛ける事であり、・・・安倍首相の基盤である保守層への重大な裏切り行為になり、返って内外(特亜を除いた)から負の評価が返ってくるでしょう。
 NYタイムズの記事論旨は、兄弟である朝日新聞の論調と寸部も違わない!といえる程です。  流石は朝日新聞社本社ビル内にNYタイムズの東京支局があり、・・・連日の如く朝日のゴキブリ・ヒトモドキ社員(記者、論説委員、経営幹部)と交っては、如何にして日本国、国民を痛めつける事が出来るか?!と、悪計を巡らしているでは、記事の論調が朝日新聞とまるっきり!同じとなるのは当然です。


例によって『反日・売国 ⇒ ニュース配信共同通信社』が配信した、此れまた稀代の『憎日/毀損=NYタイムズ』の社説切り恥記事を産経新聞が取り上げて、其の侭で報道しました!・・・。

☟  ☟  ☟

◼︎【Shinzo Abe and Japan’s History】:
The Newyork Times

Prime Minister Shinzo Abe of Japan, foreground, at a ceremony in August 2014 for the anniversary of the end of World War II. Credit Toru Hanai/Reuters

The visit by Japan’s prime minister, Shinzo Abe, to the United States next week is important on several levels. He will be the first Japanese leader to address a joint meeting of Congress. He and President Obama are expected to announce progress on a key issue, increased defense cooperation, and possibly on a second, trade. They will also discuss a third challenge, China’s growing influence in Asia.

The context is also important: This year is the 70th anniversary of Japan’s defeat in World War II, and to some extent the visit is intended as a celebration of the country’s remarkable postwar resurrection and its robust alliance with an old enemy, which has become a foundation of regional stability.

But the success of the visit also depends on whether and how honestly Mr. Abe confronts Japan’s wartime history, including its decision to wage war, its brutal occupation of China and Korea, its atrocities and its enslavement of thousands of women forced to work as sex slaves or “comfort women” in wartime brothels.

安倍首相の訪米が成功するかどうかは!、・・・・安倍首相が日本国の『開戦決定に至った経緯!』⇒『残忍な支那や朝鮮の占領!』⇒『数千人の婦女子を奴隷に貶めて戦時下の売春宿で ❝性奴隷!❞、亦は❝慰安婦!❞として強制的に働かせた極悪非道ぶり!』等の戦時中の歴史に真摯の向き合えるか?!に掛かっている。


By now, that history should have been settled. That it is not settled is largely the fault of Mr. Abe and his right-wing political allies who keep questioning history and even trying to rewrite it, stoking regional tensions. Mr. Abe may have more to say on all this on Aug. 15, the actual date of the surrender. But his remarks to Congress will send an important signal.



✦ 日中友好平和条約(1978年8月12日締結)・・・
✦ 日韓基本条約(1965年6月22日締結)・・・


Mr. Abe’s nationalist views and pressure from competing political forces have affected his judgment on these delicate issues. He has publicly expressed remorse for the war and said he will honor Japan’s past apologies for its aggression, including the sex slavery. Yet he has added vague qualifiers to his comments, creating suspicions that he doesn’t take the apologies seriously and will try to water them down.

His government has compounded the problem by trying to whitewash that history. This month, South Korea and China criticized efforts by Japan’s Education Ministry to force publishers of middle-school textbooks to recast descriptions of historical events — including the ownership of disputed islands and war crimes — to conform to the government’s official, less forthright analysis. And last year, the Abe government tried unsuccessfully to get the United Nations to revise a 1996 human rights report on the women Japan forced into sex slavery.

Many Japanese right-wingers believe their country was wrongly maligned by America and its allies after the war. Mr. Abe has given the impression that he believes Japan has already done enough to make amends for its militarism and atrocities. He says he prefers to get on with more firmly establishing his country as a 21st-century leader that can help the United States counter China in Asia and take on other global responsibilities.

But Japan cannot credibly fill that broader role if it seeks to repudiate criticism of its past. Emperor Akihito of Japan and his family have set a much better example; in an apparent rebuke of Mr. Abe, Crown Prince Naruhito has been outspoken about the need to “correctly pass down history” to future generations.

Much good can come from the Washington meeting if Mr. Abe and Mr. Obama give final approval to the first new guidelines in 17 years for expanded American-Japanese defense cooperation and make substantial progress on a new trans-Pacific trade agreement. A lot will depend on whether Mr. Abe is willing to push aside his right-wing supporters and set a tone that can strengthen stability in Asia, rather than weakening it.


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