
❝慰安婦問題・日韓合意は木偶の坊!❞ 文書化する話は何処に言ったのか?

カリフォルニア州の高校カリキュラムで「慰安婦=性奴隷」表記の公算 7月策定へ








[History War]. It is likely that description of "comfort women = sex slaves" will be used in curriculum for high schools in CA. It will be devised in July

捏造慰安婦問題を糺す日本有志の会(in English)


It becomes clear by the material of California Department of Education that possibility is increasing that former Japanese forces' comfort women will be described as "sex slaves" in the education curriculum of the history and social science which will be introduced from 2017 at public schools in CA., the U.S. Though it is possible that descriptions about comfort women in the reform draft, the Dept. of Education showed in last December, will be corrected or deleted partly, description of "sex slaves" is still remained before the final conclusion in July.

The descriptions about comfort women are included in the items for the 10th grade (equivalent to the 1st and 2nd grade at Japanese high school). In the reform plan, it is described that "So called comfort women, as sex slaves, were taken away by Japanese forces that ruled the territory before and during the war." "It is possible to teach that comfort women was the example of systematized sex slaves, or the largest human trafficking in the 20th century.”

Japanese and Japanese-Americans residents in the state, who oppose such descriptions, required re-consideration to the Dept. of Education via e-mails and so on. As the result, it is considered respectively to delete the description of "the largest human trafficking in the 20th century," and partly replace the description of "sex slaves" by other words. But the description of "it is possible to teach that as the example of systematized sex slaves" is still remained.

In spite of Tokyo clearly denies the expression of "sex slaves" and forcible taking away regarding comfort women, the concern is spreading that a completely opposite description will be used.

At the Dept. of Education, a conference by experts and a public hearing are to be held on June 19th and 20th. It continues to consider that in the future, and it is planed to devise that formally in the mid. July.




❝慰安婦問題・日韓合意は木偶の坊!❞ 文書化する話は何処に言ったのか?〜、




カリフォルニア州の高校カリキュラムで「慰安婦=性奴隷」表記の公算 7月策定へ!・・・

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